The general ordinance "Mantelverordnung", which will come into force in August 2023, is an important measure to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in Germany. It sets clear rules for handling mineral waste, especially in the construction sector, and is intended to ensure that this waste is used as efficiently as possible and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
As a group of companies that is active in the construction and real estate industry, we are already dealing intensively with the requirements of the general ordinance and are adapting our processes accordingly and training our employees. This is the only way we can ensure that we can continue to make our contribution to environmental protection in the future. The ordinance stipulates that mineral waste must be reused in the greatest possible proportion in the future. This requires careful planning and coordination with our suppliers.
This means that construction projects must increasingly rely on reusable materials in order to conserve resources. Stricter rules are also being introduced for the disposal of mineral waste in order to avoid environmental damage. This requires an even more careful selection of disposal partners and good cooperation with them. This is the only way we can ensure that we can continue to make our contribution to environmental protection in the future. The ordinance stipulates that mineral waste must be reused in the greatest possible proportion in the future. This requires careful planning and coordination with our suppliers.
As a waste management company with an annual volume of around 1,000,000 tons of bulk materials from our own projects, we have extensive expertise and can therefore seamlessly implement the guidelines in accordance with the new general ordinance.

The most important things summarized
The general ordinance (waste ordinance) was issued to ensure orderly and environmentally friendly disposal of waste and to implement the specifications of the European Waste Framework Directive. It comes into force two years after its promulgation, on August 1st, 2023, and with it, for the first time nationwide and legally binding requirements for the production and installation of mineral substitute building materials as well as for the recycling of materials are specified.
Detailed information
You can find detailed information on the general ordinance under the following link from the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Nature Conservation: